
15 Sep 2014

Utility Monitoring with Allsolus can help you Save

Energy, water and waste management are in the headlines. People are moving towards a “Use Less” and “Waste Less” mindset that decreases our environmental impact and lowers running costs of our homes and businesses. Whether you are a believer in man made climate change, care for our environment or just want to reduce the impact of rising utility costs, your end solution is the same.

Monitor Learn Control Reduce
These are the fundamentals for achieving your energy management goals.

Like most things, if you can not see, count or measure it, you probably won’t understand it. An AllSolus data logging solution tailored to monitor the usage of Water, Gas, Electricity or any combination, will give you visualisation on how, when and where you are using your utilities. Once a clear visualisation and understanding is achieved, next steps can be taken to better manage your waste and usage. Less consumption results in lowered operational expenditure and at the same time reduces your impact the environment.

Through the AllSolus monitoring solution you can now learn how and when you use your utilities, allowing you to make decisions that reduce your consumption, improve your finances and lowers your environmental impact.

Some improvements that can be gained through usage management are as follows

Reduced Peak Demand Charges
Power Factor Correction
Onsite renewable power generation
Usage reduction
Tariff optimisation
Energy storage
Wastage management
Load control …….and lots more

Through the Allsolus Monitoring system you can gain control of how, when and where you consume energy, water or Gas. Simple and cost effective measures can be implemented to change your usage habits and maximise your tariffs, reduce demand charges or waste. We are all creatures of habit and changing poor habits can greatly improve your finances and environmental footprint.
Through the two way load control function of the Allsolus product you can automate or manually trigger loads to turn on or off, allowing greater control and ease of changing how and when you use your Utilities

Through implementing the first three fundamentals you have created the fourth, a tailored and fine -tuned solution that gives you ownership of your energy, gas or water consumption.

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